Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Energy & Food Crisis made in Washington!

Energy & Food Crisis made in Washington!
Dr. A. H. Krieg CMFGE May 1, 2008
The most common lies are those by which politicians
deceives the public; other dishonesty of the public
is rare.
Let me outline my observations. 1) There is no energy crisis. 2) Global warming is the product of the sun and not of man. 3) Most of our present problems are attributable to the environmental movement. 4) Ethanol as a fuel for vehicles is stupid. 5) If we should ever run out of oil we have enough anthracite coal for the next four centuries. 6) The wars. All the afore listed problems are interrelated and have nothing to do with energy or food and everything to do with political control and power.
Let me clarify that last sentence. It is my opinion as well as those of many scientists, geologists, climatologists and engineers that all of the presently touted energy related problems are a fabrication of an elite group, for the sole purpose of achieving control of society. Those in the environmental movement are the dupes of these elites and unknowingly carry out their agenda. I do not make this claim lightly and will in due course provide ample evidence of this position.
There is no energy crisis, it is a fabrication produced in the political capitals of the world and its main sources are Washington and Brussels. The principal protagonists of this fiction are the well meaning but un-informed members of the environmental movement and the political party known as the Republocrats, and politicians who either curry votes of the greens or pander to them, and politicians that are members of the elites. Shocking as this statement is, it is in my opinion correct.
A primary premise of the supporters of the cause of energy related problems is that energy in the form of oil is a finite commodity and that we are on the verge of running out of oil and natural gas. First and foremost the reader must understand that oil and natural gas is only a part of the fossil fuels with which God has endowed our planet. The by far larger deposits of fossil fuel is coal and of coal the most useful is anthracite coal that can be liquefied to produce natural gas as well as all petroleum based products we presently produce out of oil. The technology to do this is about 90 years old having been developed by the Germans in the 1920’s. Sasol is a South African company traded on the NY stock exchange that operates a substantial number of coal liquidation plants in South Africa. Please do Google Sasol. While America has the world’s largest proven reserves of anthracite, South Africa has the second largest deposits. Coal liquidation is much less expensive than purchasing oil from OPEC.
Overall oil and natural gas deposits in the Beaufort Sea principally in the region of Gull Island and extending about 40 miles from it on what is commonly
called the Alaskan North Slope combined with the Kuparuck fields covering an area of about 30 x 60 square miles is larger than the combined oil reserves of Iraq and Saudi Arabia combined. Gull Island that is located about 5 nautical miles from Prudhoe Bay could produce so much oil that the Alaska pipeline would have to be expanded ten fold. Well, head pressure on the surface is 90 pounds; the oil does not even have to be pumped. The same holds true for the Kuparuck field.
The Gull island fields have not produced one single dry well in an arc stretching 40 miles out from the island. All the chemistry is identical so it is one single pool of oil under 90 pounds per square inch of pressure extending 40 miles out into the Beaufort Sea. Just one capped well came in at 30,000 barrels per day through a 3 ½” pipe. For size the operating Prudhoe Bay field is presently pumping two million barrels a day Gull island could dwarf that and potential output and the Kuparuck field is fifty times larger. What is even more interesting is that the sulfur content of this oil is very low a chemical analysis indicate 0.90% Sulfur. wax content 6% Asphalt content 2% pour point –15 deg..F.
To place this into historic perspective we need to go back to the 1973 oil embargo and the consequential energy shortages that ensued during the Tricky Dick Nixon administration. The fact is, that historically the entire episode was man made and Nixon was right in the middle of it all. As the shortage expanded Maine governor Kenneth M. Curtis accused Nixon of purposely fabrication the shortages. Then in the same year the Philadelphia Inquirer in a lengthy article proved that Exxon, Mobile, Texaco, Gulf, and Standard oil of California were exporting two barrels of oil at higher price for every one they sold domestically. Lloyds of London is a principal insurer of tankers. According to their records the number of tankers departing the Middle East for Europe and America was slightly larger during the shortage than four month before. The rise in tanker departures rose from 474 to 492.
In 1977 the total North American oil reserve deposits in ground were expanded by about 88% and roughly three quarters of these were drilled, however those in North America have in large part been capped because they are owned by one of the “Seven Sisters” which earns greater profit on imported crude and refined product than that on that produced in America. Then in ‘77 Carter created the Department of Energy. (Just as the shortages became pronounced) DOE has had some successes as they expanded the energy shortage and lengthened it in duration, and then they created the draconian nuclear energy fiasco that dismantled our only nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and made the construction of nuclear electric generating plants impossible because of costs related to by over-regulation.
Reliable but unnamed sources (from ARCO) in 1975 as reported by former Secretary of Sate of Colorado Hough Chase claimed that the government allowed only one field out of three to be drilled in Alaska and that there was sufficient supply in the Beaufort Sea to see to meet America’s oil needs for the next 200 years without pumping, because in ground pressure was sufficient to meet the output. Furthermore according to this source market expansion was figured in. Drilled wells in all three fields indicate three separate deposits
confirmed by differing chemical analysis of all wells drilled in each of the fields. All wells, about 40 of them) were required to be capped by the government. The North Slope oil fields consist of an area of over 50,000 Square miles. ARCO, Chaplin, Lindsey Williams made a second corroboration of this when he stated,” There will never be an energy crisis because we have as much oil as does Saudi Arabia.” Williams was Chaplin for the thousands of pipeline workers and roughnecks who were employed in Alaska during the exploration and pipeline construction.
Shortly after discovery of these oil deposits the government ordered all geological reports locked up and all wells capped on Gull Island and its surrounding fields as well as the thirty by sixty mile Kuparuck field. The reported reason by Washington was that environmentalist claimed that any possible spill would cause an environmental catastrophe. This is akin to not scrambling eggs because you might miss the bowl with the yoke after you broke the shell.
The Hudson Institute (look up on internet) stated in 1977 that Carter was wrong in saying” we stand no chance of becoming energy independent”. Available information on energy based on scientifically peer-reviewed information reveals the following (this was in ’77) Continental (48 state) in ground deposits 150 billion barrels, the ’77 API report stated an estimated 303.5 billion barrels, “68 Geological survey Atlantic ocean continental shelf 224 billion barrels, Pacific coast 275 billion barrels, Alaska 502 billion barrels, for a total of 1,576 billion barrels in ground. The government in its infinite wisdom has seen to it that only 2% of the proven reserves have been licensed. These deposits is enough oil at present national growth rate to see to our total needs for the next 200 years, In a 1972 report the Wall Street Journal stated that we have enough natural gas deposits for the next 1,000 years. Total in ground deposits in the Continental (lower 48 states) and continental shelves are estimated at 758 trillion cubic feet. This does not include Alaska. In a book by the Hudson Institute by Herman Kahn we learn that of the fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas, coal shale, and tar sand) that we could easily supply the entire world with fossil fuels for the next hundred years.
The once seven sisters are now consolidated into the five sisters, which are Exxon, Chevron-Texaco, BP, Shell and Conoco-Philips. Just imagine how simple it is for a consortium of five companies in collusion with the government to control all of our energy needs. Remember that the government either controls all known deposits of any size while the sisters have the rest locked up for the next 100-years in land mineral leases. These companies have two policies, 1) optimize profit in the short term, and 2) optimize in ground deposits for maximum longevity and profit. It goes without saying that all steps are taken to ensure fossil fuel dependence permanently. And just to ensure that they have also locked up North American uranium, and all coal deposits.
Alaskan oil
Field average depth size
Prudhoe 600 ft 100 Sq. Mi.
Kuparuck 300 ft 200 Sq. Mi
Gull Island 1200 ft very large total size unknown
All three leading presidential candidates in 2008 have incoherent energy policies and are unaware of the realities existing in this sector of the economy.
The world’s major problems are attributable to false environmental actions taken by society due to misinformation published by environmental organizations and the propagation of this misinformation by the media, These include among others that, global warming is due to man, Freon caused the Ozone hole, CO2 is harmful to the planet, Cutting fire breaks is somehow harmful to animals, pipelines impede migratory species, nuclear energy production is dangerous, governments should be the stewards of land, and burning wood is better than splitting atoms.
In December of 2007 over 100 world scientists sent a poignant letter to the Secretary of the UN Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. I want to emphasize that these were not the frequently by the media quoted members of the Union of Concerned Scientists that require such stringent qualifications for association that several dogs and cats have attained membership. No, these are real professors, PhD’s, lecturers and doctors. Among the writers were; Dr. Antonio Zichichi President of the World Federation of Scientists, Dr. Reid Byson the father of modern meteorology, Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu of the international Arctic Research Center, twice named one of the worlds most cited scientists, Dr. Richard Lindzen UN IPCC scientist, among others. The most remarkable thing about the list is that it contains almost no Americans; most of our so-called scientists are cowards in opposing the PC political/environmental movement.
The letter in stark terms warns against the existing “movement of “futile” climate control efforts”. Among other things it clearly states “ Significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human caused global warming”. The fact of the matter is that today most atmospheric scientists, geologists, and climatologists agree that man’s impute or ability to alter global climatic conditions are limited to the point of being useless.
The IPCC is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; it is the major producer of data relating to climate. Unfortunately their reports circulate among politicians and non-scientists who frequently draw incorrect conclusions about the issue. Furthermore these reports are prepared by a small number of politically active core writers who are subject to tremendous pressure from PC academia as well as environmental activists. Their conclusions are for the most part outcome based driven and never peer reviewed thereby making them worthless. The vast majority of thousands of qualified scientists, climatologists, geologists, and atmospheric specialist are never consulted about the conclusions reached by the IPCC. Summaries of issues presented by the IPCC do not therefore represent any consensus view of scientists in fields related to global warming.
When former VP Al Gore whose academic record is not particularly impressive and whose environmental credentials are most suspect when his lifestyle and personal energy consumption record is accessed, and then makes wild statements, which are unproven and in many cases totally wrong becomes the spokesperson for a cause, I become wary. My disdain for Gore goes all the way back to his ghost written book Earth in the Balance, which had over 50 scientific errors in the first twenty pages.
From the letter to the UN Secretary General;
*Recent observations of phenomenon such as glacial retreats, seal-level rise and the migration of temperature-sensitive species are not evidence for abnormal climate change, for none of these changes has been shown to lie outside the bounds of known natural variability.
*The average rate of warming of 0.1 to 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade recorder by satellites during the late 20th century falls within known natural rates of warming and cooling over the last 10,000 years.
*Leading scientists, including some senior IPCC representatives, acknowledge that today’s computer models cannot predict climate. Consistent with this, and despite computer projections of temperature rises, there has been no net global warming since 1998. That current temperature plateau follows a late 20th-century period of warming is consistent with the continuation today of natural multi-decade or millennial climate cycling.
The entire environmental movement is strongly connected with political elements that have outcome based plans and are utilizing this issue as a vehicle to achieve their desired goals. The fact that the political left i.e. the socialists is the closest ally of the environmental movement is a proven fact. In Germany per example where this issue has gained primary national prominence the Greens (Die Gruenen) and the gay’s (Die Bunten) Buentniss 90 (The old Communist Green party of the DDR) and the German Socialists formed a union and controlled the government for over a decade. The basic goal of the socialists is to gain political power by being elected to govern, the basic goal of the environmental movement is to gain political control over society so that they can implement their control over private as well as government property and business, and that is a clear explanation of socialism as well as communism.
Of the three front running candidates for the office of president all support the basic issues relating to global warming, none have any reasonable education in the relating sciences, all are politically correct, and none have the nerve or inclination to challenge the environmental dogma.
The environmental movement, which is socialist in function as well as action, is without question responsible for a substantial part of our 21st century problems. Most well intentioned members of organizations like the Sierra Club, Global Green, and Green Peace and others do not in reality understand the underlying issues and blindly support those organizations based on their desire to improve the general environment. This is not
an indictment of these well meaning individuals their intentions are correct but they have been lead astray.
Let’s examine some issues. You will recall the horrendous losses of the Pacific Northwest lumber industry based on environmental complaints that a particular species of Owl was endangered to become extinct based on the premise that these owls would only nest in old trees of the Pacific NW. This environmentally concocted BS story was widely accepted by the media which then distributed it extensively, the Spotted Owl had to be saved, and to accomplish that scores of saw mills, thousands of jobs, and several towns were all made redundant. Firstly the very concept that an owl cares about the age of a tree is moronic. Secondly six year later half a dozen pairs of Spotted Owls were found to be nesting in San Francisco Golden Gate Park in everything from bridge abutments to remnants of the 1930’s world fair. The damage was done the lumber industry of the Pacific Northwest is still trying to recuperate.
In about 1985 some British scientists determined that the ozone layer over the South Polar Region was thinner than the rest. Then in the late 80’s NASA, which was at the time seeking funds for a new budget, invented the phrase “Ozone Hole”, which is a fabrication. There is no hole; the ozone layer is thinner at the Polar Regions during polar winters. Ozone is the product of the combining of three oxygen molecules into one ozone molecule. It is one of the lightest gases of our atmosphere. Ozone is created in only two ways, by the action of lighting, which does not occur during polar winters in the Polar Regions, and by solar radiation, which cannot occur in the dark.. Since there is no sunlight in the Polar Regions during the darkness of the polar winters and since there is no lighting no ozone is produced, thus the ozone layer over that region of the planet thins, only to increase in size when the summer comes. At some point Du Pont developed a product called Freon, which is a chlorofluorocarbon, and hydrochloroflurocarbon, which were used as a replacement for refrigerants previously used that, were poisonous. Du Pont patented Freon and Du Pont and its licensees became the only source of Freon in the world. When these patents were about to run out a story miraculously appeared that Freon was destroying the ozone layer and had to be replaced, conveniently with a new Du Pont patented product. The only problem with this scenario is that Freon is one of the heaviest gases, immediately after release going to ground while ozone in one of the lightest immediately after releaser rising. This fairy tale has cost society billions upon billions of dollars and the environmentalists and media are the sole parties responsible for those costs.
Southern California has always had sever fire problems particularly during the time that Santa Anna winds blow up from the south. In order to prevent damage the counties as well as the state of California when I lived there in the 60’s cut frequent fire breaks in the grasslands and brush so as to enable the local fire departments to control brush and forest fires. Beginning in the late 70’s and early 80’s the environmental movement convinced the counties and state to stop cutting fire brakes due to the endangered kangaroo rat. How a kangaroo rat even determined that a firebreak was detrimental to his environment none ever
explained. The net result of these actions was the destruction of thousands of homes and the loss of billions in loses due to uncontrollable fires that rampaged throughout Southern California.
Before I continue I want the reader to clearly understand that I am an environmentalist, but one who bases his convictions and actions on science not on PC crap coming out of politicians and unschooled environmentalist mouths.
The most practical means for man to produce electric energy in the 21st century is with nuclear electric generation. It is basically clean; it produces little or no CO2. It is cheap unless over regulated. And it creates the smallest environmental impact. Since the occurrence at Pittsburgh’s Three Mile Island where a reactor core failed, and which by the way did not hurt one single blade of grass, the environmentalist have been on a relentless crusade against the nuclear industry. Typified was the Clam Shell Alliance produced bumper sticker, “Burn Wood not Atoms”. The incredible stupidity of that short statement in my mind has always typified the entire environmental movement that I have always considered to be related to the 19th century Malthusians and the 20th century Club of Rome, neither of which have ever made a prediction that came true. In the nuclear case the environmentalists took a new and differing tack, they instead of attacking the industry directly pressured the Department of Energy Nuclear Regulation Commission to so regulate the construction of generating stations as to make their building financially impossible. This reached the point where permits based on submitted design were issued and after construction began were rescinded and replaced with new and different regulations and parameters. Over half a dozen plants were terminated in mid construction due to this. I do want to impress on the reader that Chernobyl the worst nuclear accident in history could not take place in any American generating plant because we do not build graphite reactors and we do not build reactors without containment structures, only the Soviets (socialists) did that. Once again the environmental movement is having second thoughts on this issue as they also did in the previous cases.
My father used to say that the most dangerous people in America were the thousands of uneducated Do-Gooders.
It is always wise to look behind the scenes of any political or social movement. There after all is an agenda, a plan and a desired outcome. In the case of this environmental movement the agenda as well as the outcome are hidden from the general membership. I have a recommendation for you, because if I provide the answer you will not believe me. All environmental movements are tax-exempt; it is relatively simple to obtain a copy of their annual IRS filings, when you have your copy be certain to look at the total income and make a comparison of income vs. expenditures, and when you’re completed that look up the pay of the officers and directors and their perks, you will be amazed. The agenda is control of land and property by a socialist state, and the outcome is communal control of society, family and community.
Of all the ideas and actions of man of the last 200 years the dumbest is without question the production of ethanol as a additive or replacement fuel for fossil fuel vehicles.
In 2007 America consumed 138 million tons of corn to produce ethanol. This was accomplished through the massive subsidy of fertilizers, farm fuel, farm subsidies, transport subsidies, and distillery subsidies. It is common knowledge that the entire production chain from seed stock to the end ethanol product is in one way or another subsidized by your tax dollars. Since farm acreage that was previously used to grow food for humans and animals as well as grain for export, which has been now reduced, we are developing international food shortages, higher trade deficits and massive price increases in all food stock.
Anyone who does not reside in the hallowed halls of congress or in the executive and has to actually go to the supermarkets to shop for food does not need to be told of the horrendous price increases in our foods. Wheat has doubled and along with that pasta and bread, eggs are up 17%, tomatoes have doubled, beef, pork, poultry, everything has gone up because corn is the primary feedstock for farm animals.
The situation has reached the point where food riots that is the vestige of long ago have become commonplace. Rice, which has also doubled, is the first grain to be rationed in America since WWII. Costco and Sam’s Club both are as of May of 2008 restricting purchses to only single bags. While there are other causes ethanol is certainly the major reason for this.
Ethanol is singularly poor for a fuel for numerous reasons. Firstly it is not as combustible as gasoline and is therefore about 30% less effective as a fuel for motor vehicles than gasoline. This results in lower gas mileage when used alone or if used as a mixture with gasoline. Secondly being alcohol based it attacks rubber one of the principal raw materials of engine components, seals, gaskets, and hosing on autos and trucks. This results in higher maintenance costs and lower lifespan. Thirdly while it is domestically produced, once all the subsidies are added in it is actually more expensive to produce or use than imported fuel.
The commonly asked question is if all that is true why are we using this stuff? The answer to that is simply, Agribusiness is one of America’s largest industries. It is also the most government-subsidized industry in America. Also understand that none of these subsidies go to family farms, this is strictly a big-agri-business industry. I know I farmed for 14 years and could never get any subsidy, help from the Department of Agriculture, or any government benefit for that matter. One of my neighbors farmed 1,700 acres another had a 300-cow dairy farm they also got peanuts. But there are a whole host of senators, congressmen, and TV personalities who are reaping millions in farm subsidies even though they probably can’t tell a cow’s ass from her head. All the rest of the subsidies go to agri-business, which are farms owned by stockholders consisting of 5 to 10 thousand acres.
Coal liquefaction is the process of converting anthracite coal into various liquid as well as gaseous forms of fossil fuel; in fact most
carbon based items used by man. The Germans during WWI and WWII developed the process in the 1900’s. It was perfected during WWII and used extensively by the Germans to produce all petroleum-based and many carbon-based by-products from the early 30’s to 1946.
The world’s largest remaining coal liquidation operation is the remnant of the white South African government in RSA. When in a fit of political correctness the UN under American and British leadership brought sanctions against South Africa for their racial separation policies the South Africans located some German engineers and built their Sasol plants. Today Sasol is the world’s largest coal liquefaction and gasification operator, employing over 30,000 people. With profitable revenues producing sales of $4.153 billions. Sasol utilizes the Fisher-Tropsch process that was used by the Germans.
With the newer developed Sequestration process it is now possible to at some added expense produce oil and propane products from coal without excessive CO2 emissions. What however is much more notable is that production costs of liquefied coal can be carried out at a break-even cost of $47. Per barrel, which equates to 0.85.5 Cents per gallon of gasoline. China has a small plant operational that is producing fuel at $35. Per barrel.
Now, I have some very serious questions. Why are we importing oil at costs that exceed our ability to produce the very same product at less than half the cost? Why is our government actively perusing the production of ethanol at a cost of over three times that of coal liquefaction? Exactly what are the people at our Department of Energy doing in implementing policies that are destructive of our economy and world food supplies? Why is congress not acting on this matter and why is the executive pushing ethanol production?
The Wars. No discussion of any matter relating to our economy in 2008 or the issues of discussion is possible today without considering The Wars, which we are involved in obviously not for our national interests. Like 9-11 all we can come up with is more questions than answers.
To recap briefly, the war against Iraq both the first Geroge Bush and then his son were implemented based on lies, misinformation, and fabrications primarily produced by the Mossad. Issues of the phony Yellow Cake purchase by Iraq from Niger with documentation produced in Jerusalem and transmitted via the Italian and the British MI-5 to the CIA were part of this charade. All of the allegations made by Secretary of State Colin Powel at the UN General Assembly proved later to have been fabricated by the NSA, CIA and the Mossad. Both wars were constitutionally illegal, pointless and not in American but in Israeli advantage. This is no different than the present fabrication of a nuclear reactor by Syria and N. Korea in the middle of a desert, without any security, with no available water for cooling, without any air defense, and without a containment
structure. I hold several patents in the field and have supplied machinery to almost all North American reactors I know this industry.
The situation in Afghanistan, which seems to be deteriorating daily, is not much different. Considering the fact that the Taliban (imaginary enemy) had eliminated the Heroin production in which Afghanistan was the world leader makes me think of some ulterior motives. This is especially the case because under our installed CIA puppet president, (the mayor of Kabul) heroin production in Afghanistan has once again propelled them into number one producer in the world.
The fact that the American installed leadership in both Iraq as well as Afghanistan does not have the support of the indigenous population and both are CIA puppets is common knowledge. As is the realization that in both nations we are confronted by a civil war in which we as well as NATO have business to be.
The Al-Quaeda construct that has now been openly confronted on BBC as being an invention of the CIA is in many respects comical. Consider the accusing of our government that a bunch of Islamic clerics that have the science education of a sixth grader, located in caves in Peshawar and parts of Afghanistan, organized the most complicated international act of terrorism in world history, employing over 100 individuals. The CIA claimed that instructions were sent via Cell-phones, there was no cell phone towers in that region of the world. It is no different than the claimed 9-11 hijacked airliner that crashed in PA in which we were told that Cell calls from passengers were made to relatives, when it was later proven that at the time it was impossible to cell call out of an airliner. Then came the ludicrous story that between two and three men wielding box cutters dominated between 60 and 130 people on single aircrafts is idiotic. We have all been assumed to be fools by the people who have propagated these lies.
In view of the aforementioned information let us now consider our present and planned national energy policy. At present America does not have a coherent energy policy of any kind. Our government’s policy plain and simple is the enrichment of Bush’s buddies and companies in which members of the administration hold shares.
Statements by the three front-runners all of which lack any reasonable understanding of the issue have made several proposals. John McCain and Hillary Clinton have proposed to suspend the federal excise tax on fuel for the summer months. What a great idea, Let’s see, the federal government deficit spends through free trade and borrows money by selling T-bills to China, then we take the borrowed money and purchase oil from Venezuela, Nigeria and the Middle East keeping 18.4 cents per gallon as taxes. States and counties then compound the problem by adding on average another 0.27 cents in taxes on an imported commodity that has already been taxed to death. This as columnist Thomas Freedman stated is not an energy policy it is a money-laundering scheme. At least Barack Obama has the good sense not to endorse stupidity, but has unfortunately not articulated any reasonable policy of his own. One would think that at least congress would have produced some sort of national policy for taxation, or spending. Far from it. In fact congress has done nothing except to let
tax credits for solar and wind produced energy die, while at the same time keeping all benefits for fossil fuel. Neither Congress nor the Executive has done anything to streamline DOE or the Nuclear Energy Commission. . Not only has there been any policy and there are no plans for any policy.
What should we do as a national energy policy? In philosophic terms we should encourage energy savings through rational user policies. These would include, taxing the hell out of gas-guzzlers, granting personal tax write offs for energy saving devices installed in homes. Allowing an instant tax rebate for all motor vehicles whose energy consumption is less than 30 mpg. Require all electronic manufacturers to have their devices disconnect from the power net 15 minutes after the device is turned off. Offer tax credits for all home and business appliances that are below average in energy consumption. Allow tax credits for all passive solar energy saving means. Allow a 100% write off of any installed geothermal air conditioning and heating systems and provide tax write-offs for solar and wind produced electricity to homeowners. .
In production we should force the DOE to produce policy that will once again foster the construction of nuclear electric energy plants. Force the environmentalists and Nevada residents to accept the nuclear waste depository at Yucca Mountain. Eliminate immediately all government subsidies to ethanol production. We should offer tax exception for ten years to anyone building and producing coal liquefaction production plants utilizing clean conversion technologies. We should offer tax credits for solar as well as wind energy electric energy production. Eliminate all tax write offs for the petrochemical industry over the next ten years at a rate of 10% per year. Offer American automotive producers a tax break for all energy saving car and truck model’s whose energy consumption is below half of the average consumption rate as of 2009. And lastly demand that the three huge oil fields in Alaska are accessed only for American domestic consumption and refining.
Dr, Krieg’s latest book is Before Departing a few words….ISBN 0-9748502-8-4 available from all booksellers and Amazon.
Please visit:

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